Japanese high school students from Hiroshima and Nagasaki called for the abolition of nuclear weapons Monday during a meeting with students in Oslo.

They shared the story of hibakusha victims in the U.S. atomic bombings on the Japanese cities in 1945 as part of their campaign to collect signatures for the abolition of nuclear weapons.

(From left, Yukino Yamaguchi, Suzuka Nakamura and Konami Funai)

One of the three Japanese students, Konami Funai, 18, who previously served as a student peace ambassador delivering such signatures to the United Nations, said the aging of the victims has made it difficult for their wartime experience to be handed down to the youth of today.

Suzuka Nakamura, 18, called for younger generations to engage in efforts to create a nuclear-free world, while Yukino Yamaguchi, 16, shared her grandfather's experience of being exposed to the bombing in Nagasaki when he was six years old.

Japan's student peace ambassadors have been chosen as candidates for this year's Nobel Peace Prize. The latest trip is also aimed at promoting the program, launched in 1998.